HCD Methods

Idea Vignettes

Idea Vignettes help a team generate a wide range of ideas to improve an experience, quickly and at a low cost, based on real human needs.

An Idea Vignette describes your proposed solution using a sketch paired with a brief headline and summary. It is a collaborative way to explore many potential solutions before discussing feasibility of implementation. After completing a Vignettes exercise, your team can prioritize which ideas to explore in more detail based on factors you determine, like market impact, innovation, feasibility, and human need.

You can use Idea Vignettes to:

  • Address pain points, opportunity areas and moments that matter to members in an experience.
  • Generate a large volume of ideas and concepts - emphasizing quantity as a means to achieve quality!
  • Communicate the functional and emotional value that is delivered by an idea.
  • Consider many approaches to improve or innovate an experience.
  • Encourage ideation beyond what is feasible in the current state of an experience.

This Is What It Looks Like

Let’s Get Started

1 Agree on a time limit.

Decide as a team how much time to spend generating ideas. We recommend 15–20 minutes.

2 Choose a pain point.

Think of an idea or solution that might address the pain point. Think about the big picture and strive to generate ideas that are broad and conceptual. Avoid ideas that are discrete or too focused on individual features.

3 Draw the idea.

On one sticky note, draw a picture illustrating the idea. Focus on a key moment or representation that highlights why the idea is compelling. It’s okay if your drawing isn’t a masterpiece.

4 Describe the idea.

On another sticky note, add a headline and brief explanation of the idea. Be clear, direct, and succinct about the value of the idea. Write legibly.

5 Repeat

Continue to generate ideas and make more vignettes (drawing + headline/description) until the allotted time is up. Think less. Write and draw more. Strive for a state of flow.

Watch Out

If you are thinking about the validity of an idea, you’re likely self-editing. Draw it. Write it down. Move on.

6 Review the vignettes.

Post all the vignettes to the wall. First, review the ideas quietly, without discussion. Then, play back each idea to the whole team. Spend one minute per idea. Restrict your discussion to clarifying questions about what the idea represents.

7 Light grouping

Identify duplicate and/or complimentary ideas. Group vignettes with a lot of overlap together to refine and consolidate the pool of ideas.

Next Steps

Your team can now complete a prioritization exercise to consider the impact and feasibility of each Idea Vignette.