Team Management

  1. Start With One on Ones
  2. Conduct One on Ones For 6-8 Weeks
  3. (After 6-8 Weeks) Announce The Feedback Model in a Staff Meeting
  4. Give POSITIVE Feedback to TOP Performers FIRST
  5. After 3-4 Weeks, Add Positive Feedback To REST Of Team
  6. After 6-8 More Weeks, Add Negative Feedback For Top Performers
  7. 6-8 weeks of Feedback to Everyone, Positive and Negative
  8. Roll Out Coaching Slowly

Ceremony | Design Reviews

Better feedback is driven by how you ask and frame feedback.

  1. Share the problem you are trying to solve and the proposed solution(s).
  2. Provide context and where you are in the design process.
  3. Share any constraints like time or data.
  4. Describe exactly the type of feedback desired.