Success Metric

UX Outcome

Business Outcome

Success Metric

Progress Metrics

After roadmap alignment, prioritization, and backlog grooming


Exploratory & Evaluative

Validation & Maintenance

HCD Methods


Align UX Outcomes to Business Goals

Business Goals

UX Outcomes

A UX outcome answers the question: If we do a fantastic job on our products and services for the next few years, how will we improve someone's life? The UX outcome is a statement, while the experience vision is a story.

Timeline | Hierarchy

UX Metrics

UX Metrics framework

If we do a great job on our design, how will we improve someone's life?


note: in development

Feature Based Roadmaps

Outcome Based Roadmaps


Jared Spool, Paul Boag

1. Brief Meeting: Requirements Gathering and Documentation Analysis

2. Research (User persona, information architecture)

3. Sketches: Early Drafts

4. Wireframes: Low-fidelity prototype

5. Mockups: High-fidelity prototype

6. Navigation: Clickable Prototype

7. User Testing: Usability Tests